Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Hangin' in Trees & Easter Egg Hunts

It's been a long time since I posted...sorry! I haven't been feeling very well and it seems as soon as I mentioned that spring was here to stay, we've been dealing with winter-like conditions again! The weather has been depressing and hard on all of us. The boys desperately want to get outside, but it's either been really cold or really wet and we've been stuck indoors again. Luckily, today ended up being a very nice, sunny day. We went to the Lincoln Zoo this morning and stayed there for about 1.5 hours. It wasn't too busy at all and it was nice just taking our time. At the indoor lizard exhibit, Nolan got up to the glass and said, "Hi Lizard, I'm happy to see you today!" It was so funny.

Last Wednesday we went back over to my parent's house and checked on the Mourning Dove's nest. Not only was the mother away from her babies, but her babies now looked like toddlers or even preschoolers! They were huge! I think those birds go from infants to adults in less than a week. And then I think a day or two later we went back again and the nest was completely empty. So obviously those birds learned how to fly and took up home somewhere else. I guess we'll have to move on to bunnies now.

Last Friday was opening day for the Lincoln Zoo but it rained all day long so we didn't go. On Monday I decided to take the boys, even though it was in the 40's and we had to drag out our winter coats and hats again. We stayed for about an hour and it was nice to just get out of the house, even if it was really chilly. I felt bad because at one point Nolan said to me, "Mom, we need our mittens!" But I didn't bring them because I figured they would be taking them on and off so many times in order to touch an animal or climb on the equipment that I just left them at home. I had to explain to Nolan that we would be okay without our mittens, even if it was cold. At least I know he wasn't freezing. They both have super heavy duty OshKosh winter coats and warm stocking hats so I know they were okay.

On Saturday Noah and I hid a bunch of eggs in our backyard during the boys' naps. They took such long naps that day and I think it was close to 4:00 before we started the egg hunt. They were very excited to find eggs hidden in the yard, but even more excited to sit on the steps and crack them open to find the candy. Little Carson has certainly been watching his brother...he'll pick up an egg, give it a good shake to hear if there's something inside of it, and then crack that baby open! These boys love their candy! (Wonder where they got that from???).

Big birds now!

This child has to be watched like a hawk around streets. He always tries to get down there.

Looking for the neighbor's dog at Bama Jean and Papa Steve's house.

You can see that little dimple poking cute! :)

Tree Hanging at Bama and Papa's...their new favorite thing.

Love that tummy!

Playing the "Pick A Hand" game with Bama Jean.

Easter Egg Hunt! Nolan is pure business.

"Almost, almost..."

"Got it!"

My favorite pic of little Carsie. I submitted this to Parents Magazine for their cutest baby contest :)

"Right there!"

A cute pic of Noah too, though this was not submitted.

Ready to chow down on that candy!

I love the piece of candy about to fall from Nolan's mouth. He was so frantic to get that candy in him!

Haha...Carson looks hilarious!

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