Thursday, April 21, 2011

"I do it!"

Carson has definitely mastered the skill of independence. He wants to do everything by himself and gets quite frustrated when a helping hand is offered out. He especially likes climbing up big flights of stairs without any assistance, which isn't too scary for me, but then he immediately wants to go back down by himself as well. The going down part is a little terrifying since I have visions of him tumbling over. He's smart too...if he even senses the presence of your hand on or near his body, he'll stop where he's at and explain, "I do it!" He refuses to continue until he can see that you've backed off. I don't remember Nolan being this independent, but little Carson certainly is. Here are a few other cute Carson things:
1) "Watch this, Mommy, watch this!" The "Mommy" part is interchangeable with "Daddy" and this is something Carson says in such a cute, high-pitched voice when he's super excited about showing us something. Usually just a bounce on the floor or a ride on his spring horse, but sometimes he may demonstrate his ball-throwing skills. It's very cute and of course he expects a pretty big reaction. We haven't let him down yet! :)
2) "Des." This one's a little more difficult to explain, but this is Carson's version of the word, "Yes." He's a pretty big screamer in normal situations, but this is one word that he always uses his softest, most angelic voice to say. And the way he says it is just precious, he'll start kinda high and then lower it at the end. Hard to explain, but oh-so-cute!
3) Carson has been showing a bigger interest in potty-training these days than his older brother! A few times throughout the day he'll say to me, "Potty, Mommy? I go potty?" And although he's never actually gone, he does enjoy just sitting up there without any pants on and pretending that he's going. Sometimes he'll sit up there for a couple minutes and I'll say, "Okay, all done. Thanks for trying!" He'll respond, "I potty again! I potty again!" And so I'll have to lift him back up there and within a minute he'll say, "I all done, Mommy." Soo cute and the pictures are just adorable. :)

Just hanging out on the toilet.

Stretchin' the old legs.

"Well that's interesting."



Pretty cute big brother, too.

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