This morning I took the boys back to the indoor play center. We stayed there for 2 hours and it was oh-so-nice to get out of the house. I figured on a Friday the play center would be bursting with kids. We got there at 9:30 this morning, half-an-hour after they opened, and we were the first and only people there until about 10:00. Then for the next hour, there were only 2 more kids and adults who showed up. It was very quiet. I was really hoping the boys would have an opportunity to climb around on the big equipment, since no one else was using it, but they hired a new girl at the play center and I think her sole responsibility is to walk around and enforce the age and height requirement. Darn! There was another gal who had a daughter about Nolan's age whom she let climb onto the big equipment, and within 5 minutes the new girl approached her and reminded her of the policy. And her daughter was M.A.D. when her mom ripped her off! Thankfully, Nolan and Carson both kept very busy with just the regular old things and barely wandered over to the big equipment at all. In fact, they spent the majority of their time in the usually dreaded toddler area! And that was a first, believe me.
The sun's really been shining today, so I hope this snow just keeps melting away so we can actually get outside again. I cannot WAIT for the Lincoln Zoo to open again! We're just a little over 2 months away. Noah's parents are always so nice and get us a membership each year. It's such a treat to take the boys there, sometimes twice a week, and just let them go at their own pace and do their own thing. They love every minute of it, and it almost always results in them taking a long nap...which I love every minute of!
Video of boys in the ball pit:
Carson singing (screaming) "Twinkle, Twinkle Little Star"
Carson hiding out in the tree house. |
He thought throwing his cup into the ball pit was pretty hilarious. |
Both diving after the cup! |
Nolan tapping on the roof of his car. |
Poor Carson was getting kinda tired. |
Nolan dancing in the camper. |
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