Finally I'm back with a new post!! I've devoted so much time this past week focusing on my stories and figuring out what both of the publishing companies require for submission entries. It's been exhausting, but I reached my goal and put together both of my manuscripts, created my cover letters, and on Wednesday officially kissed everything good-bye at the post office. Now I wait...
It's almost been a week without any updates, so I'm going to include lots of pictures in this post. We've pretty much been up to the usual thing this week. Monday we tried a new storytime at a different library, but Nolan didn't want any part of it. We actually left within a minute of it starting. The room was really small, there were no windows, and there were tons of kids and parents. It was a bit stuffy in there, so I can't really blame him for wanting to leave. Tuesday we went to the McDonald's playcenter for lunch and got the place to ourselves for the 1.5 hours we were there. Wednesday my mom met us at Corey Eiseley for storytime and then we visited her and my dad afterwards at their house. Today Carson had his 18-month checkup and he looks great in all areas of growth and development. He weighs a little over 25 lbs and is 33" tall. He's doin' good! Enjoy the pics!! (Videos are at the way bottom).
Nolan and Dad examining his collection of Micro Machines. |
Nolan in Noah's shoes! |
Love these pics!! |
Swinging outside. |
Carson about to go down the slide...his favorite thing! |
Nolan...looking like a handsome little frat boy here! |
Static! |
"Hi Mom." Carson peeking through a tunnel. |
Carson singing "The Wheels On The Bus"
(all through town, all through town, all through town...)
Little Boys, Big Shoes
Super Bowl Half-Time Dance Party!!
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