Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Carson The Copycat!

Well, I think Carson is officially at the age where he does EVERYTHING he sees his big brother doing. It's been so much fun watching little Carson look to Nolan for what his next move should be. It's so cute!! They have always "played" with each other, but just within the last couple of months, they are really beginning to play together and are having a ball doing so! The weather has been incredibly nice the last couple of days and I have been letting them run around in the backyard while I clean up the kitchen and get dinner ready. I leave the screen door open and I can just hear laughter and screaming like you wouldn't believe! I have to stop what I'm doing and just take it all in because they are really becoming BFF's! Nolan will just chase his little brother all around the jungle gym and Carson thinks that is about the coolest thing...he loooves being chased! And then together they gang up on poor Charlie and that really gets them laughing (especially when Charlie runs away or starts barking at them). And little Carson does just about everything his brother does. Nolan usually scales the rock wall to climb up inside the jungle gym, and although Carson just can't get himself up that way, by golly he tries as hard as he can. It was so cute the other day when Nolan had just climbed up and Carson was at the bottom of the rock wall trying to get his round little body to lift off the ground and climb up those rocks. Nolan was standing at the top of the jungle gym instructing Carson to grab hold of the rope. He yelled, "Carson, hold onto the rope! I will help you!" Soo sweet.

Here are some cute quickies:
1. Nolan, again, has been taking in everything he sees at church. As a way of greeting one another during Mass, everyone will shake hands and say, "Peace be with you." Well, Nolan has gotten the greeting statement mixed up with communion. He goes around the house with his cheerios and hands them, one at a time, to me, Noah, and Carson, saying, "Here's your peace be with you." Then he watches you to make sure you have eaten it! Bless his heart!! :)
2. Nolan is always going on "Monster Hunts" in the bedrooms. The other day he came into our room and was looking around. He must not have heard me walk down the hallway because I walked into the room and he jumped and said, "I was freaked out!"
3. A big group of geese flew above our house the other day and I got Carson's attention to look up at them. I said, "Wow, where do you think they are going?" He looked at me, shrugged his shoulders, and said, "Storytime?" And now, whenever you ask him where someone is going he will always answer with storytime.  Precious!
4. Each morning as soon as the boys are out of their beds, the first thing they do is saddle up on their spring horses. Noah and I are always amazed when they both decide it's time to switch. They will suddenly look at each other, jump off their horse, and go to the other horse. Carson will always happily say, "Bubba's turn!" And Nolan too will say, "Bubba's turn!" Meaning Carson was right, it really is Nolan's turn! :)

Funny Video: Carson singing "The Wheels on the Bus" in a truck, Nolan correcting him that he is not inside of a bus, and then lots of screaming...All at the Children's Museum!

Carson in one of his longest, deepest naps ever...and in our bed. :)

Unfortunately, this isn't a new trick. I think this might be Carson on a motorcycle in 15 years...YIKES!

Nolan and Dad after they just built a giraffe with Mega Bloks.

And time to take a bite!

Tire swinging at Lost In Fun. They were both too focused to look at the camera.

Carson at the train table.

Inside an airplane at the Children's Museum!

Carson driving the luggage truck, Nolan delivering the bags.

"Send down that luggage!"

Nolan all ready for take-off!

Boys and their trains...

I think they knew who went to which chair!

My little farm boy! Carson all smiles in a tractor at the Children's Museum.

"Mom, do I look cool or what?!"

Nolan playing football in "Memorial Stadium!" His Dad would be so proud.

I was smart this time...brought lots of pennies with me!

Nolan yelled down to me, "Mom, I love you in the whole wide world!" So, so precious.

In the little kiddos area at the Children's Museum.

Here's Nolan...

And Carson!

Just relaxin'.

Once Nolan realized this was a wall with 50 different mirrors, he was all about it!

Time for some crazy faces!

Here comes Carson...screaming, of course!

Outside with their Sonic Slushies.
"Oh, Nolan's drinking it like that..."

"Guess I better too!"

Good, good stuff.

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