Thursday, March 3, 2011

First Visit to the Children's Museum

This morning the boys and I went to the Lincoln Children's Museum. This was actually the first time we have ever gone. I've always been a little nervous about taking them since, one, it's in the middle of downtown Lincoln, and two, it's pretty expensive. But, I must say, it was a great success! The boys absolutely LOVED the place and both of them were just on their best behavior the entire time! Besides a few minor falls from a fire truck and a big rig, it was extremely enjoyable. There is tons, tons, TONS of stuff to do and if it wasn't for needing a nap, the kids probably could have spent the entire day there. I need to try and talk Noah into getting a membership because it would be worth every penny. They even have private rooms for nursing infants, elevators in case you have big strollers (which we brought today), snack rooms, and art activites. It was awesome. I can't wait to take them back again.

Nolan all smiles as he drives an LES light truck.

"No, Carson, you can't drive it. Just Nolan."
Exact words.

Finally, Carson gets the wheel!

In the Pizza Parlor.

Chef Nolan prepares a pizza.

"This apron sucks, Mom."  

Carson busy at work in the dish area.

This is more like it.

Nolan and Carson pretending to be in Mr. McGregor's garden.

Carson was swinging the heck out of this rake! He actually took off with two of them, held them above his head, and ran across a bridge. All in good fun, of course.

The Grocery Store. Nolan stocked up his cart full of meat products. His dad would be so proud.

I guess this is a self check-out lane.

Carson racing across the bridge with his shopping cart. All he wanted in that cart with his juice and he was a happy boy.

Watching Mom's quarters fall down the funnel. Why couldn't I have any pennies with me today?!

In the downstairs water area.

Nolan studying the oil and water display.


He tried so hard to get that bowl full of water and dump it into the tube...It was heavy, but he did it!

I finally had to drag them away from here. We were about 10 seconds away from soaking wet clothes.

Banging on a piano.

Nolan peeking through the knight display!

Pilot Brothers.

Foam painting...Nolan wasn't too sure about getting his hands in there.

Sliding out of the rocket ship.

Nolan in the rocket ship. He had a great time climbing the ladder and dropping down through the bubble window in front of him.

Peek-a-boo, Carson!

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