Tuesday, March 8, 2011


It was a busy weekend and now it's turned into a busy week as well... Here's a catch-up:

Friday night we decided to take the boys out for pizza at Godfather's. It's just a couple minutes from our house and we knew it wouldn't be too crowded, so we decided to give it a try. We hardly ever go out to eat, and I soon realized why. Nolan was licking the tops to all of the shakers: salt, pepper, Parmesan, and the hot pepper stuff. I don't know how many times I told him to stop, but he just kept putting his tongue all over them. I feel sorry for the people who come in next! And Carson decided that he wanted a table of his own. He took off and pretty much ate his "dinner" (breadsticks heavily dipped in marinara sauce) at the table next to ours. Oh well, it was nice to get out of the house and not have any dishes to take care of.

On Saturday the boys went downstairs with Noah and were "helping" him hang up some drywall. Nolan was just itching to get his hands on that drill, and once he did he didn't want to give it up! I had a really cute video of the boys taking turns drilling, but somehow the sound got all messed up and it's really bad quality.

Noah is out of town for work, so it's just me and the boys. Yesterday, after trying for an hour, Nolan still did not take a nap and by 3:00 in the afternoon he was a full-out grizzly bear. Last night was an extremely, extremely difficult and frustrating night when it came to balancing how to get each of the boys down. I tried putting Carson down first, but Nolan kept opening the door and letting the bright hallway light flood into his room. Naturally, Carson wanted to get down each time this happened. Nolan did this probably 6 times before I thought I was going to explode. I finally had to lock Carson and I into his room so we could get to sleep without Nolan interrupting. Well, that plan quickly went south as Nolan threw the MOTHER of all fits in the hallway; I'm talking it sounded like an exorcism was being conducted in my hallway. Poor Carson. At this point I had no choice but to leave him in his crib to cry for awhile so I could get Nolan to bed. It took about 10 minutes for Nolan to fall asleep (compared to the usual 30-45) and Carson was screaming the entire time. I felt so bad, but if I kept going back and forth no one would ever fall asleep. I was finally able to get back to Carson and rock him to sleep. Needless to say, it was a long evening. I seriously don't know how single parents do this. Noah leaves for a few days and I turn into a complete basket case!! At least Sara came over last night to protect me (haha) but we ended up freaking ourselves out with ghost shows and staying up waaay too late laughing and talking...we both looked like hell this morning. I don't think I got to bed till after 3:00.

This morning I took the boys back to the Children's Museum and we bought a membership! Yeah!! We ended up staying for a couple hours and I met some really nice moms there. Apparently Tuesday is Mom's Day...they provide coffee and even have a child development expert on hand to answer questions about your child. I was amazed again at how well the boys did. They just love that place. Enjoy the pics!

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A few cute things the boys have done lately--
1. While driving the other day, I could see Carson in the rearview mirror trying to get Nolan's attention by acting goofy. Nolan finally looked and him, started laughing, and said, "Carson, you're hilarious!"
2. The boys have started using the dog's water bowl as their holy water. Nolan gets his fingers in there and quite sporadically touches his forehead and chest, saying, "In the father, son, holy spirit, Amen." Carson knows exactly what's going on but can't quite get all the words out. Instead, he just shouts "AMEN!"
3. Nolan is listening all too well to Noah and I. When we are putting him in time-out or telling him for the last time to do something, we'll usually end it with a "right now" or "right this instant." And sometimes when he's yelling at us or telling us what to do, he'll add the same phrase we do, usually something like, "Mommy, get in here right now!" So when he does that, we'll tell him he's acting bossy and he needs to ask us nicely. Well, the other day Noah was putting him to bed and Nolan continued to talk and make conversation. Noah finally said to him, "It's time for bed right now. You need to go to sleep." Nolan responded, "Daddy, you're acting kind of bossy."
Hugs on the spring horse.
Waiting for our pizza at Godfather's...Nolan eyeing the shakers again.
The boys didn't really care about their pizza, they only wanted Dad's salad! Noah was getting a little frustrated with that but I thought it was pretty funny.

"Dad, go get more salad!!"

Carson too cool for his family...hanging out at his own table!

Carson in my shoes. Great, it looks like I'm big foot or something!!

Nolan kept saying, "Dad, it's my turn now!"

"Umm, Dad..."

"Yeah, it's really my turn now."
I love this!
Sasquatch sighting in our basement.

Carson in his new hat...isn't he to die for?!?!

One of my faves. Really enjoying that Oreo Ice Cream Pie.

Nolan very proud of stacking all his food!
His surprise/"oh my gosh!!" face.

Carson upset that Nolan is climbing on his chair.

Imitating Carson's "Hi Dad!"
Lol... LOVE THIS! Look at that squishy nose on Carson! :)
And I love this pic of Nolan...what a cutie pie.
The boys were absolutely fascinated with this ball maze at the Children's Museum.
Carson deeply concentrating.
Nolan dancing and chasing his shadow at the Museum.
Fruit snack break!

Video from the Children's Museum:


  1. Oh my goodness - I could have taken the exact same pics of my kids the week before at the Children's Museum. Nate did not want to leave that ball maze and they LOVE the water maze in the basement.

  2. Yeah, they loved it. I think there was a major thought process into putting the ball maze by the admissions desk... I had to wait around for about 10 minutes in line and then fill out my membership form. Instead of the boys racing into the museum where I would easily lose them, they stuck right around that ball maze the whole time. It was great!
