Thursday, March 31, 2011

Kings of the Jungle!

The boys and I again visited the Omaha Zoo on Monday. We didn't spend near as much time in the aquarium as we did last time. In fact, we pretty much spent all of our time in "The Lied Jungle" and inside "The Desert Dome." The boys have never been inside the desert dome and the last time we went into the jungle, Carson was still in an infant carrier! The jungle was a lot of fun as there is just sooo much going on. The boys were really taken by the turtles in a glass cage. The turtles came right up to the window so the boys got a great look at them. They were pretty active too, so that kept their interest as well. Nolan thoroughly enjoyed the bridge that goes across the jungle. I didn't even show it to him last time we were here, and I was still a little nervous about it this time. But...he loved it! As you can see, he was grinning from ear to ear walking across that bridge. Carson definitely wasn't too sure about it. I went across it to show him it was safe and fun, and he did start his way across, but I ended up carrying him the rest of the way because he got pretty scared.

The Desert Dome was a bit of a challenge on my end. The boys were pretty wound up at this point and they were running wild in that dome! Nolan kept running away from me and trying to climb behind the ropes to catch birds and collect rocks. Carson saw what his brother was doing and apparently thought it was pretty funny, because he took off right after him. It was a job rounding up these kids, let me tell you! I don't think I'll go through the Desert Dome again unless I have some extra help. My only complaint is that it's a bit too long and drawn out. I felt like I kept winding the corner to find yet another path with the same looking stuff that was on the previous path. I will say that Carson was especially fond of the bobcat inside the dome. I think we caught him just as he woke up from a nap because he was very active and jumped around from rock to rock. Carson literally stood there for several minutes just following him. Poor Nolan touched a cactus and ran crying to me with about 6 stickers in his hand. I had to yank them out and he was fine after that, but I did warn him not to touch those things! Sometimes I guess we just have to do something in order to learn! :)

Also went to the Burger King playland on Wednesday. It was a nice change, but I think the funnest part of the whole experience was just wearing the Burger King crowns! Carson was hysterical in his crown and I'm sure you'll enjoy the pictures! Also, Nolan dropped a quarter into a case at Burger King and won an icee because his quarter landed on a little pillar!! I was soo excited for him (probably a little too much!) but I wanted to make it a big deal because he actually won something! And he was very happy with his icee prize, too. :)

Nolan swinging on a vine!
Carson trying to get up there too...

Thankfully Carson's not trying to communicate with the monkeys, he's just yawning! :)

"Where's my mom?"

Watching the turtles.

I told the boys they were watching an anteater, but I'm really not sure about that!

"Watch out, Carson. Leave this to your big brother."
Nolan makes his way across the bridge!

Carson keeps a safe distance...
All smiles! Good job, Nolan! (Do you see Carson's little legs back at the other side??).
Peeking down at the waterfall.

Carson getting a better look.

...The Desert Dome.

Nolan pointing out the different animal sketchings.
And in different directions...this was fun!

Carson trying to see those fish.

Going in for a closer look.

Hangin' out at B.K. with Savannah.

The crown!

Check out those ears! :)

Is this precious or what?!

Tennis player hair!


Ya gotta love that style!

Nolan gets more handsome and grown-up looking all the time.

Being a goofball!

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