Friday, March 11, 2011

"Daddy, Did You Leave Your Hair In Texas?"

Noah made it back home last night! It was definitely nice to have him home, and have the extra help back as well. Before bedtime, we sat down with the boys and watched their new favorite movie "Ice Age," which is extremely entertaining...even for adults! Out of nowhere, Nolan turned to Noah and asked, "Daddy, did you leave your hair in Texas?" We both started LOSING it. Poor Noah...even getting a tough time about going bald from his 2.5-year-old-son! Haha...It was funny.

On Wednesday I took the boys to "Lost In Fun" playcenter. It's an incredibly long drive...about 25-30 minutes from our house. We haven't been there since Carson was still in his infant carrier, so it's been a long time. Boy, did they enjoy themselves. Nolan immediately loved the foam pit in the space room. It's super dark and there's just this pool of foam squares that kids (and adults) can jump into. Nolan thought it was awesome and he jumped as far as he could and then dug himself out to do it again. I tried it too and I about got stuck in the middle! I had a little panic attack because I seriously couldn't pull myself up out of the foam! I thought I was going to need a staff member throw me a rope to get out...that would have been humiliating. I finally made it, but it was a job! Carson was definitely unsure about it for first 15 minutes. He clung to me so tightly (which was kinda fun since I don't get too many cuddles anymore). But he quickly warmed up to it and really started enjoying himself as well. I was impressed with how well he jumped right into the foam and got himself back out.

The boys also had the time of their lives in the bounce houses. I told Noah that I'm seriously going to look into renting a bounce house for Nolan's birthday party this summer. I've seen so many advertisements for renting them and they are surprisingly inexpensive. Besides, the people come to your house, set it up for you, and then take it all apart for you. It would be so fun for a party!! It was a little weird, though, because I was in the bounce house with the boys, along with 2-3 other grown men and their kids. I was trying to play around with my kids, but hoping I wouldn't "bounce" into the other dads and fall on top of them! Believe me, these things get pretty bouncy. That would just be my luck... Can you imagine how uncomfortable that would be?! (Regina, give a shout-out to Adam for me!).

Also took the boys to McDonald's for lunch on Thursday. I had a shocking experience while we were there. We walked into the playarea and there were three Mexican women completely consumed with their cell phones while their two OUT OF CONTROL toddlers were running around with their shirts off. Nolan climbed up into the play structure but quickly started crying and yelling that someone was screaming at him. He came down and I took him and Carson into a more isolated area of the playplace. We were minding our own business when the oldest toddler, probably 3, came inside and started yelling at Nolan to "get away!" Nolan looked at me like, "Mom, he's scaring me." I just told him to ignore him and continue playing. I was trying to keep Nolan focused on me instead of this rude child. Then, the kid actually said, "F**k you!" and folded his arms across his chest like he was "hard" or something. I was shocked. I kept looking at the women to come over and take care of this animal they brought with them, but of course they were too involved in their phones to give a hoot what their child was doing. He kept yelling obscenities at my children and I finally had it. I climbed inside, got down in his face, gritted my teeth together, and pointed my finger at him. I said, "You STOP yelling at these boys. You DO NOT yell at them anymore!" Typically, when a stranger yells at a child that age, the child would probably start screaming and crying and run away. Oh no, not this kid. It really didn't phase him. He did finally leave the area and within 10 minutes he went home. I could literally feel my blood boil. It's one thing if I have had it with my children, but when a three year old threatens my boys, that's when the claws come out...and they come out sharp. I was so incredibly MAD. Why don't parents care about their children's behavior? I just don't get it. He's already on the path to becoming a criminal. Good job, parents!! Bravo!

Carson making his way up the play structure.
Back he goes!
Nolan in the sandbox studying the "paver." Not sure if that's the correct name for that tool, but I didn't know what else to call it!
Carson in the arcade.
Bounce House! Nolan wrestling with whatever those things are called.
Catching bubbles.
Snack break.
The tables were a little high! :)
Lunch at McDonald's.
Filling up the water side.
Nolan with his roly-poly.


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