Monday, January 31, 2011

Cookies and Colds

Noah ended up staying home today because of the weather. He started driving to work but ended up turning around and coming back home because the roads were so icy. And it was definitely nice to have an extra set of hands in the kitchen this morning since the boys wanted to make cookies. We weren't about to try and get out to storytime this morning, so we decided cookies it was! The boys were very interested in the whole process, and I know they thoroughly enjoyed pouring in the ingredients and mixing the dough. This was a nice little practice run before we do our big valentine cookie-making day with frosting and sprinkles and the whole she-bang...I know they're going to love it!

It seems like we've all caught a bug or something at our house. The boys have had snotty noses for several days now and within the last week Nolan's been coughing a little bit too, but mostly just at night-time. Just on Saturday we noticed Carson had some boogery eyes accompanying his runny nose so we called our doctor's office and they got him a prescription for eye-drops to take for the next few days. His eyes are already 100% better. And also on Saturday Noah woke up feeling like he had a sore throat, and then I woke up on Sunday with a really bad sore throat. So Noah and I have been downing medicine and cough drops and the boys have been drinking lots of fluids and taking vapo-baths every night and I know that's been helping. The boys' colds have really gotten better. Nolan's nose is much better than it was and his cough is finally starting to go away too. Carson still just has a runny nose, but no other symptoms. He's going in soon for his 18-month appointment so they'll be able to give him a thorough check-up then.

Prep-work for making our cookies.

Well, the oatmeal almost made it into the bowl!

Busy at work.

Carson's not about to miss out on the action!

More oatmeal!

Watching the dingy lady crack an egg...excuse her for still wearing her pajamas.

Done with the cookies, not done with playing on the chairs.


We were hiding from dad under the table.

Dad found us!!

"This is the ceiling."

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